Monday, February 28, 2011

28 February - 4 March

  Baking bread – experimenting with and investigating the properties of yeast.


Budding Scientists having fun!

Ceri and Angela make unleavened bread.
We baked bread in class today.

Amber brought her bbbbbbbbb  bunnies to school.

 Hard at work during the day!

Kristen and Sadie 

Lucas and Grant 
 Using cotton buds and bleach. The boys draw a picture of a boy holding a balloon!
              Ewan                                                                 Caleb 

SUIS visitors
What’s inside the present from God?

28 February – 4 March
Theme:             Experiments/Investigating
Letterland:    Bb for Bouncy Ben Bunny
Numeracy:      Identifying and naming 2D shapes
 Patterns with shapes

We are collecting:
Polystyrene trays
(Keep sending cereal boxes, newspaper etc.)

·      the children who participated in the cycle marathon
·       all the parents, siblings and grandparents for supporting our morning
·      Please remember to return your sponsor forms and money.

Fun activities planned for the next few weeks
·      Tuesday ,1 March: SUIS students visit Pre-primary ( Christiaan Focus week)
·      Tuesday, 8 March: Splash & Dash – fun activities planned for school day
·      Monday, 14 March: Outing to Itemba Labs
  • Monday, 14 March: Parent/Teacher Meetings
  • Tuesday, 15 March:Parent/Teacher Meetings
·      Thursday, 17 March: Last day of school term for PP children

Baker-Baker:  Taydden Naidoo

Cycle Marathon

Cycling Champions
Well done to all the cyclists who took part in the cycle marathon!
Some of the cyclists snapped at the finish line.








Thank you very much to:
  • the children who participated in the cycle marathon 
  • all the parents, siblings and grandparents for supporting our cycle marathon
Please remember to return your sponsor forms and money as soon as possible.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Road Safety

Q for Quarrelsome Queen and her quilt. 

Learning about shapes was fun.
Sorting  for shapes that are the same.
Tessellating shapes is fun too!

Ceri, Angela and Sadie tessellate squares.

A fun table activity.
Step 1: Colour in carefully,remember to hold the koki properly. 
 Step 2: Cut on the lines, plan the page and paste down the edges carefully.

Amber , Kristen and Zoe - hard at work.
A quilt for a queen! 


Lucas and Angela enjoying being creative.

Road Safety
Nicholas and Ewan standing at our "Road Safety" table.

Sasha and Caleb concentrate very hard.
They are making a traffic light.

Fun with salt dough
 - pink bikes for the girls!
   A bicycle for Eden.                                       A unicycle forAlys.

Christiaan follows the instructions very carefully

Well done William! What a smile! 

Zoe - work in progress.                  WOW! Look at it now.

Leandro likes to help pack up after table activities.

Ewan drew a bicycle. 

Kristen drew a Penny Farthing.

Co-operative learning.

Caitlin and Alys

Sadie counts the fifteen beads she threaded. Angela checks to see if she is correct.
21 – 25  February
Theme:                     Road Safety
Letterland:              Qq for Quarrelsome Queen
Numeracy:             Recognition of numbers 1 - 15
                                Rote counting 1 – 15
Pre-primary cycle marathon on
Sat 26 February
Start: 08h30
Finish: @ about 10h30

J Safety check J
Please encourage your child to wear a safety helmet

Baker-Baker:  Angela Scott

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Medical matters! Doctor Saaiman came to visit us at school.

William and Andrew

We learnt about Florence Nightingale.

Pick me, pick me!

Kristen listens to Caleb's heart.

Lise's daddy sent a skeleton, from his surgery, to school for the week.

Christiaan and Taydden

Our Grade R Florence Nightingales with their lamps!