Mrs. Williams helps us in class.
We learnt to make patterns in finger paint
We made a picture about Walter Walrus.
Tt is for ………….. teacher. We painted pictures of our teachers.
Sadie painted her brothers’ teacher –
Every day we add another flower till we have FIVE flowers in our vase.
Sadie painted her brothers’ teacher –
Mrs. Rothman.
Grace painted Mr. de Jager, our computer teacher, so did Leandro.
Caitlin painted Miss. Pohl.
We also made patterns on a vase. Every day we add another flower till we have FIVE flowers in our vase.
We also learn about Lucy Lamp Lady.
We count lolly sticks for fun.
Term 2 (Week 7 & 8) 23 May – 3 June
Letterland: Ll for Lucy Lamp Lady & Ss for Sammy Snake
Numeracy: Counting (forwards & backwards) – 1 - 25
There will be a snake show during the school day on Wedenesday.
J Please:
· ensure that your child has an art apron at school
· remember to check your child’s pocket for messages regularly
· keep up to date and check out our class blog
27 May: Leandro Gatinho
3 June: Amber Ganz