Monday, May 23, 2011

Loving school


Mrs. Williams helps us in class.
We learnt to make patterns in finger paint
We  made a picture about Walter Walrus.

Tt is for …………..  teacher. We painted pictures of our teachers.

    Sadie painted her brothers’ teacher –
Mrs. Rothman.

Grace painted Mr. de Jager, our computer teacher, so did Leandro.

Caitlin painted Miss. Pohl.
 We also made patterns on a vase.

Every day we add another flower till we have FIVE flowers in our vase.

 We also learn about Lucy Lamp Lady.


We count lolly sticks for fun.


Term 2                       (Week 7 & 8) 23 May – 3 June
Theme:                       Reptiles
Letterland:                Ll for Lucy Lamp Lady  & Ss for Sammy Snake 
 Numeracy:               Counting (forwards & backwards) – 1 - 25
There will be a snake show during the school day on Wedenesday.                   

J  Please:

·       ensure that your child has an art apron at school
·       remember to check your child’s pocket for messages regularly
·       keep up to date and check out our class blog 


27 May:           Leandro Gatinho
3 June:            Amber Ganz

Monday, May 16, 2011

Love and marriage

Here comes the bride………………………….
Love and marriage, families, customs and cultures were the discussion topics for the week.
Most of us watched the royal wedding.We discussed customs and ceremonies in class.

We had fun dressing up and playing ‘wedding, wedding’.
Caleb was the groom and Ceri was the bride.
It was fun designing the clothes for the bride and groom.
         Alys made confetti.                                         Zoë decorated the cake.

We arranged flowers and gave them to our moms for Mother’s Day.
Reece and Nicholas are very busy.

Taydden chose a red rose for his mom.

 We learn about the seasons.
We learn about Autumn.
We played in the leaves at school.

Mrs. Webber loves our Autumn trees.  We learnt about deciduous trees. Alys thought they were called 'despicable trees'. We all laughed!

Hard at work!
We mixed paint to make Autumn colour

Leandro concentrates hard.

Angela remembers to hold her pencil properly!

We are very proud of our pictures.



 Term 2                  (Week 6)
16 – 20 May
Theme:                                                 Travelling around the world
Letterland:                                         Ww for Walter Walrus & Vv for Vicky Violet         
 Numeracy:                         Number recognition

Many thanks to all those families who have donated old clothes for our PP outreach collection.
What’s next on the calendar?
·        Voters Day on Wednesday – no school
·        PA Movie on Friday night (20th)
·        Snake show next week


20  May :              Sadie Geard

Term 2          (Week 4 and 5)
3 – 13 May
Theme:                                  Love & Marriage/Travelling around the world
Letterland:                          Uu for Uppy Umbrella / Tt for Ticking Tess     
 Numeracy: Concept of time

Extra Curricular Activities for the week:

Life Orientation
Play Ball

Please take note:
·       Grade R OUTREACH: Class mom contact you in this regard
·       Each child must please have a hat, change of clothing and an art shirt at school
·       Auditory Perceptual Screening tests during school day ( letter on school communicator)
·       Please remember school starts at 08:00 for Grade R and finishes at 12:45


6 May :           Alys Greef
13 May:           Ceri Gemmel

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mr Cordery and Roland came to tell us a bible story. He told us that God loves each and everyone of us.
 Playtime in our garden, so many friends.......... so much fun! 

We like to play pretend games.  
              Climbing on the jungle gym and riding on the bikes is fun too.
Water play is fun on warm days.

A storyteller came to visit us for

She told us a story and she read from a book.

Our theme was night and day.  
 We learnt about nocturnal animals.
We used salt dough and tooth picks to make a porcupine.


It was hard work making our owls too. We had to paste, colour, cut and our fingers got very tired! 
Leandro and Amber are proud of their work! 

Rr for rooster. We read a story in the bible about Peter and the rooster. We coloured a rooster to remind us of the story. 

YAY! Zoë’s tooth came out!
Kinetics is with Coach Lauren is always fun.


 Making the most of the warm Autumn days.

It’s fun to warm up in the sun.

Term 2      (Week 1 and 2)     12 – 21 April
Theme:                      Night and Day
Letterland:              Nn for Noisy Nick / Rr for Red Robot   
 Numeracy:              Numerals and numbers    &      Concept of time

Extra Curricular Activities for the week:

Life Orientation
Play Ball

Please take note:
·       There will be swimming on Thursdays for as long as the weather permits! Should you wish for your child to swim – please remember to send swimming kit to school on Thursdays! J
·       Return art envelopes asap
·       Each child must please have a hat, change of clothing and an art shirt at school
·       Eye Screening Test on Wednesday 4 May ( letter on school communicator)
·       Please remember school starts at 08:00 for Grade R and finishes at 12:45

J Enjoy the term!


15 April :         Lise Herbst
21 April:          William Hendry