Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reuse, Recycle and reduce!

 Reuse, Recycle and Reduce

We collected bottle tops to count and sort.

We sorted them into different groups - colours, sizes and types of materials. It kept us very busy and it was lots of fun!



Ff is for Firefighter Fred or……… FROG or for ...............FISH ...        and also for ....
We went for a walk and looked at the flags in front of our school. We saw our green flag! We learnt about being an ECO SCHOOL.
Investigating - how can we help look after our earth? Why should we RECYCLE and not just throw everything in the bin?
We bury fruit peels and apple cores in a hole. Next to it we bury some plastic lids and bottles. We wonder what will have happened when we dig them up after the June/July holidays.

Digging the holes is hard work!
 We recycle egg boxes. We tear them up into tiny pieces, it's much harder than we think! We are going to make paper.

We are making fruit bowls from recycled materials.

We even recycle the newspaper from our activity tables. Reece makes tight balls to throw in the bin. We play a throw and catch game with the balls.

We watched a DVD about recycling.
Ewan painted a picture about it.
We learn about 'e' for Eddie Elephant.
Look how many children have an 'e' in their name!

To celebrate  FATHER'S DAY we made pictures for our dads. We tried hard to cut out very neatly too. 

This is what we said about our dads.

My dad is special because he runs very fast. He’s much faster than me. He lets me go cycling every day. He buys treats on a Friday night.

My dad is very funny. He is also very kind. I like him. He has grey hair and he’s also got some brown hair.

My dad is so big and so strong. He’s also handsome. My dad builds houses and he works. My dad likes rugby and he plays cricket. He always plays racing cars with me so we can both win.        

My dad is funny because he gave me my cereal on a plate and he forgot to give me a spoon! He’s handsome. He sometimes shaves and he prickles me with his beard when I try to kiss him. He works in an office. He works, works, works! When he comes home from work he likes to open a packet of crisps. So I get quite a lot of crisps in the end. 

My dad works to make money. He makes touch screen computers and he can even make cars and aeroplanes. He gives me lots of toys, every day. He’s got black hair and old skin. He eats lots of sweeties and he’s very thin. Sometimes he doesn’t even eat his dinner. When daddy comes home from work he just likes to go to bed. He calls me monkey.

My dad calls me sweetheart and we eat food together. We play together, I like to play hide and seek. He has got black hair that goes sort of like over his head and he is thin. I like it when we have a story together.
Me and my dad! 

Kicking King says 'k' in words, 'k' in words, 'k' in words.... We made salt dough pictures.
It was fun!              
Bye Bye ZoĆ«! Wishing you and your family all the best for your move back home to Canada!

Monday, June 6, 2011

 Elroy, the snake man, visited our school.
 He brought a lot of snakes to show us.
He told us snakes are very dangerous.

Some children
the snakes.

Some of us were a little nervous. Mrs. Webber stood outside!

We read books about snakes.

We learnt that snakes are reptiles! 
Ceri painted a picture about reptiles.

 Ewan cuts rolls to make a craft snake.

We mix colours to paint our craft snakes.

Our sound for the week was Ll. We make a lizard on a log.

Grant paints a log.

Eden decorates a lizard.

We work with lots of different media to make an interesting background for our pictures.
 Rainy Days
are fun at 

 Christiaan and Leandro like construction toys.

We stayed on the veranda and drew with chalk on the walls. We painted with water too. 

The boys like to play with the animals. Grant built them a home with the blocks. 

Lucas and Kristen build a puzzle.
 Our sound for the week was   Sssssssssssss for Sammy Snake. Zoe, Amber and Leandro with their play dough picture. Zoe made a sun, a sticker, a snake, a sock and a seesaw. So did Amber! Leandro made a CD too!

Term 2                        (Week 9, 10 & 11) 6 June – 23 June                            
Theme:                                    Reuse and Recycle
Letterland:                             Ff for Firefighter fred
Ee for Eddie Elephant           
Kk for Kicking King
 Numeracy:                             Order/sort & compare


·       Keep up to date and check out our class blog
·       Reports may be collected on Friday 10 June
·       Parent/Teacher Interviews
·       Check the school communicator for details regarding bookings.
·       Interviews will take place on
Monday 20 June
Tuesday 21 June
Wednesday 22 June

10 June:           Lucas Foulon
15 June:           Kristen Gelenhuys
23 June:          Caleb Dukes