Thursday, August 18, 2011

Extinct and Endangered Animals

  Caleb draws a dinosaur.    
We have fun making dinosaur pictures. We put our page on a hottray and draw with wax. It makes our dinosaurs look scaly. 

We "research" extinct and endangered animals in books.


We play with puppets of endangered animals. Kristen and Nick put on a show for their friends.

We made our own puppets and had fun entertaining each other. 

Action shots from Miss. de Jager’s movement classes!


We have to listen to and follow instructions. 
We have to cooperate with the children in our group. We learn to share and take turns. We encourage our friends and praise them when they do well.     


Christiaan and Ceri find different ways to move a beanbag  between the beacons.

 Jj for Jumping Jim. We each made a Jumping Jim puppet at school.

We jumped a lot in our movement lessons too.

We practise writing our names at school.
Angela painted a picture of her news. She stayed at home.

Term 3                             (Week 6 & 7) 22 August – 2 September                    
 Theme:                            Feathered Friends
Literacy:                           Listening for and recognising initial sounds and final sounds  
Numeracy:                       Vocabulary relating to measurement

                    `                   Numerals 1 - 25 
  • Founders Day Celebration: Friday, 26 August
  • Please refer to School Communicator
  • Outing to Sculptor Dylan Lewis
  • Reports still outstanding:
  • Christiaan Muller
    William Hendry
    Taydden Naidoo 

2 September:          Eden Seha
9 September:          Angela Scott

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun to be back

Caleb brought his puppy to school when we were learning about Peter Puppy!
Pp is also for a pink or purple pony.

                                   We mixed colours to make pink and purple. We punched holes and knotted wool to make a mane for the pony.  We also made pictures of penguins. Christiaan and Taydden love playing swingball.

Our theme is Statues and Sculptures
 Miss deJager is a teacher in our class too.
She told us a story about Just Nuisance.
 Here are Ewan and Grant with their clay sculpture of him.

Caleb and Alys made a food sculpture.

Miss de Jager told us a story about Wolraad Woltemade. She showed us a statue of him. We talked about bravery. We made badges for brave people.We are very proud of ourselves.
We play musical statues too.
 Ii is for .....instruments.
    Lucas likes to play a triangle. 

We get creative and make insects for an art activity.

 Alys gets glitter all over her hands.

Nick counts to see how many legs 5 insects have.

Christiaan and Angela count insects too. 

Term 3                                                (Week 4 & 5) 8 – 12 August                         
Theme:                                    Extinct and Endangered Animals
Letterland:                             Xx for Max and Maxine
Yy for Yellow Yoyo Man        
Zz for Zigzag Zebra
Numeracy:                             Recognition of numerals
                                                Data Handling


·      Keep up to date and check out our class blog
·      Please return reports and Art envelopes ASAP
·      PLEASE return the School Communicator CD once you have loaded it onto your PC (please let me know if you have returned the CD to Jean Dawson)
·      REMEMBER to check the school communicator regularly in order to keep up to date
·      Please remember to make sure your child has a change of clothing at school
·      There are still children without art shirts at school.

12 August:       Grant van der Merwe
19 August:       Caitlin Swartz