Thursday, September 29, 2011

School holidays at last!

 Heritage Day celebrations in Pre-Primary  

Face paint and dress up days are always fun days. 
Thank you  to the very creative moms, who must have got up very early to prepare for the school day.

The boys have been enjoying playing rugby/soccer at school. Wonderful teamwork and skills developing. Well done chaps! 

Thank you to our class mom, Lucy, who sat painting faces before school too. As we would say at school "You are a CHAMPION!"

The tooth mouse is having a very busy time this Spring.

Great excitement! Reece has lost both his front teeth, he says he can still bite into apples! 

  We are also still very busy at school.
It was fun threading Otees to make necklaces. Some of us can even thread the needle and tie a knot.

 Wednesdays are special days! We love going to computer lessons. Mr. de Jager lets us play fun games sometimes.

Coach Lauren is proud of our achievements! 
She gave us each a certificate, with a green sticker for :.
ACROBATIC ACTIVITIES -  Muscle Endurance; Motor Planning; Muscle Power & Flexibilty; Static & Dynamic Balance 
GYMNASTICS - Beam work; Floor work 
TRAMPOLINE - Rhythm; Co-ordination. .

Coach Lauren said: 

"Well done Angela!"
It was lots of fun washing all the dolly clothes.  We hung them outside to dry. We wondered what happened to the water when the clothes dried. We learnt a new word - evaporation!


Spring is here!!! Finally. 

Caleb works very diligently on his 'Spring flowers' picture.

Painting on easels outside, enjoying the sunshine. 

It's good to be 6 ( or nearly 6) and have buddies at school!
Caleb went to help Grant up onto the see-saw seat. It was not easy! 
(I wonder who was sitting on the other side?)

William offered his help and the boys managed to get the job done. Talk about team work!! 
Well done chaps, Grant's broad smile says it all. 

  Alys enjoys doing the monkey bars, while Amber patiently waits her turn.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Wind and Air

William drinks from our new water fountain. We used funds from the cycle marathon to pay for it. Thank you moms, dads and all our friends for the sponsorship.

 Leandro and Taydden choose which boxes they want to use for box construction. We are building something that flies in the air. 

 Work in progress!

We do an experiment about air in class. We find out about still air and moving air.
It took a long time to make our colourful hot air balloons. Caitlin is weaving a basket. Nick is filling his hot air balloon with newspaper balls.  
 Kristen and Lucas  with their hot air balloons.

Excersizing to strengthen our fingers is part of our daily routine.

We fold, we cut and we paste. Our days are filled with many different activities to keep us very busy at school. 

Christiaan and William concentrate very hard!

Eden also concentrates hard while she works.

We made pom-poms and then we turned then into chicks.
We copy patterns to make pictures using Busy Buttons. 

We work very hard at school.  
Mrs. Jerling and Vincent gave the Pre-primary children a wonderful show in the Science and Tech room.
 Mrs. Jerling did lots of experiments for us. It was fascinating!  
We practise writing numbers in finger paint.

 We cut and paste numbers in the correct order. Writing our numbers in our books is fun too.

(Week 10 & 11) 19 September –    28 September                          
Theme:                             Wind and Air & Proudly South African
Literacy:                           Matching pictures to sounds & letters
                                        Writing our first names
(Emphasis on using the correct font and formation) 
Numeracy:                        Counting number range 1 - 25
                                        Numerals 1 – 25
                                        Writing numbers 1 – 10
(Emphasis on using the correct font and formation)
·        Wednesday, 21 September -Hooked on Books (during the school morning)
·        Wednesday, 28 September is the last day of the Third Term.
It will be a fun dress up day
Theme: Rugby World Cup/Proudly South Africa
·        Please refer to the School Communicator for Information regarding the Teacher/Parent Interviews on Thursday, 22 September and Monday, 26 September.
Appointments only. Should you wish to see me to discuss your child – please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.
Library is on a Monday
·        No books are sent home without a bag
·        Children may not take out new books if they have any outstanding, even if they have their library bag
We are collecting:
·        cereal boxes
·        white polystyrene trays

23 September:        Christiaan Muller
28 September:        Sasha Huber

Monday, September 5, 2011

Feathered Friends

Visiting the Dylan Lewis Studio in Stellenbosch was great fun and very educational.
Fun on the bus.


A visit to Eagle Encounters, at Spier, was great fun. We learnt a lot about birds of prey.
Boys enjoying watching Sky, the Jackal Buzzard.
 It was a wonderful learning experience too. We learnt some interesting facts:
Sadie: "Owls can hear the heartbeak of a mouse."
Nicholas: "Owls ears are under their feathers."
Kristen: "Birds have more bones in their necks tyhan we do, so they can turn their heads right around to look behind."
Christiaan: " The birds catch their food with their clawas."
Ewan: "An eagles claws are as strong as a lions jaws!"
Lise: "A vulture doesn't have feathers on his neck, 'cause he sticks it in a dead animal to eat the meat."
Reece: " Birds have very sharp eyes."
The owls danced to Shakira's music. They made us laugh.
It is fun counting with the feathers Ewan brought to school.

Lise brought plastic bottles to school to recycle so we made bird feeders with them. 

Founders Day Celebrations!
Sticky buns, JCs and jumping castles! What more could we want ?

 We spend time discussing body image. We learnt some new words like
jaw, pupil, iris and temple.   
                     Working hard at our self portraits.

Mrs. Webber read us a story called PUFFIN'S HOMECOMING, The Story of an Atlantic Puffin by Darice Bailer. We discussed the shape of a puffin and drew pictures .

Yy is for Yellow Yo-yo Man. 

Lise brought her Yorkshire terrier to school. 

We made yachts.
Taydden and Alys have a 'y' in their names. 
 We made saltdough pictures of an egg. We painted the yolks yellow.
Ewan and Christiaan work on their pompoms.

Term 3                             (Week 8 & 9) 5 September – 16 September                        

Theme:                             Wind and Air

Literacy:                           Identifying initial letters and sounds

                                        Matching pictures to sounds & letters

Numeracy:                        Number Range 1 - 25

                                        Numerals 1 – 25



Christiaan Muller

William Hendry

Taydden Naidoo

·        Tuesday,13 September

The Velveteen Rabbit

(Our children have been invited to watch the Foundation Phase play. This will take place during the course of the school day.)

·        Wednesday, 21 September -Hooked on Books (during the school morning)

·        Wednesday, 28 September is the last day of the Third Term.

It will be a fun dress up day

Theme: Rugby World Cup/Proudly South Africa

·        Please refer to the School Communicator for Information regarding the Teacher/Parent Interviews


Library is on a Monday

·        No books are sent home without a bag

·        Children may not take out new books if they have any outstanding, even if they have their library bag



9   September:        Angela Scott

16 September:        Taydden Naidoo

23 September:        Christiaan Muller

28 September:        Sasha Huber