Welcome back everyone!!
It is wonderful to be back at school! What fun to see our friends and to play together again. The happy smiles say it all!
It's good to be back and following the school routine.
We are learning about the birds and the bees this term. Putting 'pollen' on our flowers keeps us busy today.
Leandro makes a play dough picture.
Ceri exercises her fingers while she makes picture on the elastic boards..
Term 4 (Week 1 & 2) 11 October – 21 October
Literacy: Matching pictures to sounds & letters
Recognising sounds in words
Rhyming words
Numeracy: Counting number range 1 - 25
Numerals 1 – 25
Writing numbers 1 – 10
(Emphasis on using the correct font and formation)
Sequencing numbers (before/after/between)
Events to diarise:
· Tuesday 25 October: Grape Stroll (during the school morning)
· Tuesday 8 November: Whole school photograph
· Wednesday 9 November: Outing to Scratch Patch
· Friday 11 November: Parents Association Movie night
· Wednesday 16 November: Orientation Day
· Thursday 1 December: Pre-Primary Nativity Concert
Please remember:
· Hats, aprons &spare clothes in a bag
· Art Envelopes
Swimming will commence once the water has warmed up.
(Hopefully in about two to three weeks time)
We are collecting cereal boxes and white polystyrene trays
14 October: Caleb Dukes
21 October: Lucas Foulon
28 October: Amber Ganz
4 November: Leandro Gatinho
11 November: Sadie Geard
18 November: Ceri Gemmel
25 November: Kristen Germishuys
2 December: Alys Greeff
8 December: William Hendry