Monday, November 12, 2012

Above and below

We LOVE Library!
Time flies by when we're having fun!
We love playing games on the ipads in the library lessons! 
Sharing and taking turns .............................................................. 
Listening to and following instructions.............................................................. 

Comparing, sorting and counting semi-precious stones keeps us very busy. 
Who has the most stones?
Yay - it's Friday!
We have been counting the sleeps till our outing to the Scratch Patch.
Snack time is extra fun as we have treats in our lunch boxes!
Captured on camera!

Outings can be exhausting!
Punching, painting, threading, colouring, pasting and tying knots - busy hands1

Warm sunny days - hooray!Summer weather means fun in the sandpit playing with water. 

Term 4 (Week 6 and 7) 12 November – 23 November

Theme:                                   Getting ready for Grade One
Literacy:                                 Practising rhymes and songs         
Numeracy:                              Recognition of numerals - 35
                                                Sequencing & ordering numbers
·         Keep up to date and check out our class blog

Events to diarise:
Wednesday, 14 Nov:            Orientation Day
Wednesday, 14 Nov:            Information evening for Grade R parents
Thursday, 29 Nov:                 Grade R & Grade 00 – Carol service & family picnic
Tuesday, 4 Dec:                    Pre-primary Splash & Dash (during school morning)

Baker Baker:

Adam Lamprecht
Luke Limbert
Lyn Louw
Hannah MacFarlane

Monday, October 29, 2012


Step 1. Bubble wrap painting
Step 2. Squeeze painting
Step 3. Paper tearing and pasting

Step 4. Sprinkling seeds
Step 5. Admire our beautiful sunflowers!
We have tadpoles and silkworms in our class 
and we are watching them grow!  
  Megan's lily pad has two flowers.  
Our spring trees have beautiful blossoms! We learn about the role that the bees and butterflies play in nature. Mrs. Webber says our pictures are stunning.
Bandana Day

Emma designs her label her bean plant. 
Massimo and Megan make holes in the bottom of their tins. 
It is fun using a hammer. 

Joshua and Jenna tie knots in string to make hair for their scarecrows. 
The Grape Stroll.......... Making the most of a glorious Spring day, enjoying nature and our beautiful campus. 

We are growing too!
Josh has lost his baby teeth.
Jenna has grown some 'big teeth'.

Fun with friends..... 
captured on camera.

Term 4 (Week 4 and 5) 29 October – 9 November

Theme:                                   Above and below the ground
Literacy:                                 Practising rhymes and songs       
Numeracy:                             Recognition of numerals - 35
                                                Sequencing numbers
·         Keep up to date and check out our class blog

Please remember to send
·     Art envelopes
·     a sunhat
Events to diarise:
Friday, 2 Nov:                       Waltons Stationery order forms to be returned (voluntary)
Friday, 9 Nov:                       Outing to Waterfront Scratch Patch
Friday, 9 Nov:                       P.A. Movie night
Wednesday, 14 Nov:           Orientation Day
Wednesday, 14 Nov:           Information evening for Grade R parents

Baker Baker:

Ioannis Kontipirakis
Massimo Kontipirakis
Adam Lamprecht
Luke Limbert
Lyn Louw
Hannah MacFarlane