Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hobbies and Sport

Hobbies and Sports! 
Coach Lauren keeps us fit and healthy!
Mrs. Kelland reads us a story during our Library period. We love listening to stories.
We made a playdough picture of our hobby.
Caleb and Ioannis to play cricket. 
Michael and Luke like to box.

Erin likes to throw balls to her dog. Jenna loves playing hockey. Emma's hobby is ballet and Paige makes homes for snails in her spare time.

            Hayden collects shells as a hobby. 
We had fun counting and sorting them.

 We drew pictures of the ball we'd like to play with. We sewed it onto a polystryrene plate.
 Mrs Webber is very impressed with our newly acquired skill!

Look at our sewing. 
Hannah, Paige, Alyssa and Aidan show off their beautiful work.

 Oo is for ..............ostrich!
Arabella joins the dots to make an ostrich.

Nomonde and Mrs. Qhata visited our class. 
We had our first Xhosa lesson and it was a lot of fun.
We sang songs and danced.

We enjoyed doing woodwork this week too. We sanded bits of wood and knocked nails into the wood. Everyone concentrated very hard and Mrs. Webber is very pleased to report we had no injuries!!

Mrs. Jerling's hobby is puppetry. 
She brought her puppets to school and she let us play with her puppets. She gave us a lot of tips, like using  different voices, when doing a puppet show. . 
 We took it in turns to entertain each other. Caleb, Adam and Lyn had lots of fun.
Caroline and Emma are full of smiles too!
Hannah and Harriet with the puppets they chose to play with.

Term 1                             (Week 7 & 8) 20 February – 2 March
Theme:                             Pets

Literacy:                           Qq  for Quarrelsome Queen
                                        Mm for Munching Mike
Numeracy:                        Naming 2D Shapes
                                        Recognition of numerals 1 – 15
Days of the week
  • Keep up to date and check out our class blog
Events to diarise:
Please remember to reply
– Class list on my front door
·        Saturday, 25 February:           Fun in the Sun
THANKS to all the families who are collecting:
·        Newspaper
·        Boxes for box construction
·        Polystyrene trays

School Activities during the week
Life Orientation
Ball Skills
Baker Baker

Baker Baker:
24 February:      Jenna Gardiner
2 March:            Michael Green
9 March:            Mia Hargraves
16 March:                    Joshua Human

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Letterland is Fun

 Aa for Annie Apple
Harriet cuts an apple for her lunch snack. She says she is going to eat the skin too!

We each had a turn to cut an apple with Mrs. Webber's apple cutter! We dried the apples and snacked on them during storytime.

Jenna and Luke enjoyed the dried apples.

We  looked at what's inside an apple!
We cut paper to make pips for our apple pictures.

Caleb is practising to draw apples in fingerpaint. 

Our finished pictures!

We also made animals from Africa pictures with playdough.
 Michael is making a giraffe with a long neck!

It was fun painting our animals from Africa. 

We experimented with mixing colours too.
  Dd for Dippy Duck..........
and danger!
We had lots of fun deconstruction appliances. We discussed  the dangers of working with sharp tools and were all very careful.

Arabella managed to take out a screw, all by herself!
She was very proud of herself.
 Michael said it was lots of fun!

Three dinosaurs! This is difficult. Harriet coloured in the long necked dinosaur.

Look at Michael and Josh's self-portraits.They worked very hard. Mrs Webber loves the detail!

What's inside?
Caroline and Alyssa print with the fruit and vegetables we cut in half. It was interesting looking at the seeds inside.

 Yummy! Watermelon! 
What's inside a WATERMELON?
We had fun investigating all about watermelons. Look at our lovely pictures!

Michael was the baker baker this week.Everyone was very polite and remembered their manners.

Term 1                             (Week 5 & 6) 6 February – 17 February
Theme:                             Sports & Hobbies

Literacy:                           Gg for Golden Girl
                                        Oo for Oscar Orange
Numeracy:                        Rote counting 1 - 24
                                        Recognition of numerals 1 – 15
Days of the week
  • Keep up to date and check out our class blog
Events to diarise:
·        Saturday, 25 February:           Fun in the Sun
We are collecting:
·        Newspaper
·        Boxes for box construction
·        Polystyrene trays
School Activities during the week
Life Orientation
Ball Skills
Baker Baker

Baker Baker:
10 February:      Hayden Eaglestone
17 February:      Megan Falkenberg
24 February:      Jenna Gardiner
2 March:            Michael Green
9 March:            Mia Hargraves