Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Extinct and Endangered Animals

Extinct and Endangered Animals 


 We made pictures about dinosaurs.

 We made playdough dinosaurs and counted the legs. Some children are learning to count in twos!

 We made patterns of animals prints using our fingers.

 We drew leopards to paste on the prints. 

 We made pictures about tigers too.

   We worked on our pictures everyday for a whole week.

 Zz ............ is for Zigzag Zebra. 

 Our self portraits are stunning. We used chalk and sugar water.
Making playdough cookies for the class keeps us busy. 

Lots of children brought things for the cosy corner during 
"I care" week. Thank you very much J
Michael's  daddy dressed up and pretended to be Mr. Thompson. He told us all about endangered animals. Thank you Mr. Thompson for a fun lesson.

Term 3 (Week 7, 8and 9) 27 August – 7 September
Theme:                                   I care (Community Workers)
Literacy:                                 Alphabet letters and sounds (Revision) 
Numeracy:                             Recognition of numerals - 35
                                                Ordering numbers
Life Skills:                              Learn personal particulars –   telephone numbers & address                                                                                          
Keep up to date and check out our class blog
Please return the following to school as soon as possible J
Outstanding Art Envelopes:
Ioannis Kontipirakis
Paige Weston
Outstanding Reports:
Lyn Louw
Paige Weston
Events to diarise:
Friday, 14 September:                     P.A. Movie night
Monday, 24 September:                  Heritage Day (Public holiday)
Thursday, 27 September:               Last day of term for Pre-primary children

Baker Baker:

31 August
Michael du Toit
7 Sep
Caleb Dukes
14 Sep
Hayden Eaglestone
21 Sep
Megan Falkenberg
27 Sep
Jenna Gardiner

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Statues, Sculptures and Symbols

Statues, Sculptures and Symbols
We made a clay sculpture of Just Nuisance.
Little fingers hard at work.

A big thank you to the Limbert family for the 
generous donation of 
soccer goals for the playground..
Soccer enthusiasts training for the 2024 olympics! 

We drew pictures about our holiday news. Hannah went camping, Megan went to the game park.
Emma went to a fun fare.
We went on a school outing in the bus. 
We went to visit the Dylan Lewis Studio in Stellenbosch. 
Mrs. Taylor told us all about casting and molding materials to make sculptures.

We  are making papier-mâché snack bowls. We use plastic bowls for the mold.

We made sand sculptures in the sand pit at school.

We make patterns in finger paint for the background of our Walter Walrus pictures.
We write our names at school.
Welcome to Coach Simone - our new Kinetics coach.
It's the London Olympics! Hooray!
We made Olympic wreaths, torches and gold medals! 

Mrs. Webber says we are all champions. 

Term 3 (Week 4 and 5)  6 – 18 August

Theme:                                   Extinct and Endangered Animals
Literacy:                                 Ee for Eddie Elephant                                           
                                                Xx for Max and Maxine
Numeracy:                             Counting
                                                Recognition of numerals - 35
                                                Ordering numbers
Keep up to date and check out our class blog
Please return the following to school as soon as possible J
Outstanding Art Envelopes:
Massimo Kontipirakis
Ioannis Kontipirakis
Paige Weston
Michael Green
Outstanding Reports:
Lyn Louw
Paige Weston
Events to diarise:
Thursday, 9 August:                         National Womans Day
Friday, 10 August:                           School holiday
Friday, 24 August                            Founders Day

Baker Baker:

8 August
Harriet Wraith
17 August
Aidan Beattie
23 August
Erin Cunningham
31 August
Michael Du Toit
7 Sep
Caleb Dukes
14 Sep
Hayden Eaglestone