Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome back to the Third Term

Back to school!
Digging up the plastic and peels was good fun. We found out that the plastic had only got a bit dirty. The peels and the cardboard paper were degrading. It was an interesting experiment! Christiaan learnt that mealies take a longer time to turn into compost than apple core and apple peels!

 The digging was hard work.We all took turns to dig.

We learnt that we must all look after Mother Earth.
 We must reduce, reuse and recycle!

Welcome to our student teacher, Miss de Jager, who will be spending the next three weeks in our class with us.

It is good to be back at school. We have loads of fun in the playground.
 Lise loves the monkeybars. The girls are all glad to see each other.

Term 3                                         (Week 1, 2 & 3) 19 July – 5 August                          

Theme:                                    Statues and Sculptures

Letterland:                             Pp for Peter Puppy

Ii for Impy Ink           

Jj  for Jumping Jim

Numeracy:                             Vocabulary:

 big/little ( from biggest to smallest);

 tall/short (tallest to shortest)



·      Keep up to date and check out our class blog

·      Please return reports and Art envelopes ASAP

·      Remember to return the School Communicator CD once you have loaded it onto your PC

·      Please check the school communicator regularly in order to keep up to date

·      Please remember to make sure your child has a change of clothing at school

·      Art aprons and hats must be at school everyday


22 July:           Reece de Beer

29 July:           Grace Burgess

5 August:       Caleb van Niekerk

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