Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Insects, bugs and creepy crawlies

Insects, bugs and Creepy Crawlies!
Ll is for ......... for Lucy Lamp Light

Megan listens carefully! She coloured, then cut and pasted the shapes to make a Lucy Lamp Light lady.

Jenna and Lily draw the missing parts of the beetle and bugs. 

We learnt that some insects have wings. Luke helps to sort the insects. We counted their legs. We learnt about skip counting too.

Luke was the baker-baker this week! What lovely butterfly biscuits!
We used rollers to make the background for the bug pictures.
We looked at snails while we were drawing. 

Bb is for .......... butterflies, beetles and bugs!
We made bug biscuits to bake at home.
Using bits and bobs to make butterflies, beetles and bugs was a lot of fun!

 Bugs on leaves 

We made play dough pictures of the life cycle of ladybirds. 
Ioannis and Josh are really proud of their work.

We loved looking in books too. Michael and Joshua had fun.

Don't 'bug' us - we are very busy!
 We draw with wax crayons on a hot tray. It melts the wax and makes the bugs very colourful.
Sister Debbie came and told us 
the story about Noah's Ark. 
We learnt that Noah even took insects on board the ark. 

Term 2 (Week 7 & 8)  21 May – 1 June

Theme:                                   Reptiles
Literacy:                                 Ii for Impy Ink
                                           Ss for Sammy Snake
Numeracy:                             Vocabulary – Measurement
 e.g. Tall/ short
Keep up to date and check out our class blog

Please collect and send to school:  
-       Egg boxes
-       Boxes for construction
-       Polystyrene  trays
-       Cereal boxes
-       Orange pockets

Please make sure that your child has an extra pair of dry socks at school.
Events to diarise:
Wednesday, 23 May:           A Petting Zoo visits the Pre-Primary
Friday, 25 May:                     Plaster Day – please see posters/communicator          

Baker Baker:

Hannah MacFarlane
Josh Messina
Caroline Morris
Thomas Parsons
Alyssa Pretorius

Monday, May 7, 2012

Travelling Around the World

Travelling around the world.
We made salt dough pictures of flags and interesting places.

Lily helps Jenna to fill in all the missing parts in the picture.

 We had to colour, cut and paste to complete the picture.
 It took a very long time!

The end result! Hard work pays off!!

We coloured and cut out the South African flag too.

Yy is for .......Yellow Yo-yo Man.
Hannah remembered to put ten yo-yos in his yo-yo sack. She is very proud 

of herself!

 Yy is  also for ....... Yorkshire terrier.

Friends having fun in the playground. We remember we 

must share and take turns.

We  know that it is good to help each other and work together when we pack up at the end of the day.
Some of the Grade 00's help Hayden.

 Massimo and Josh like to play together.

Jenna hangs on the monkeybars.

Theme:                                   Bugs & Creepy Crawlies
Literacy:                                 Bb for Bouncy Ben
                                            Ll Lucy Lamp Light
Numeracy:                             Vocabulary - Time e.g.
·         Bedtime
·         Yesterday, today & tomorrow
·         Days of week
·         Months of year
·         Birthdays
                                                Recognition of numerals 1 – 15
Counting backwards 15 – 0
Please make sure that your child has the following items at school every day:
·         Change of warm clothes
·         Spare pair of dry socks
·         Plastic packet for wet/dirty clothes
Events to diarise:
Friday, 18 May:                     Movie night
Friday, 25 May:                     Plaster Day – info to follow           

Baker Baker:

Luke Limbert
Lyn Louw
Hannah MacFarlane
Josh Messina
Caroline Morris
Thomas Parsons
Alyssa Pretorius