Monday, May 7, 2012

Travelling Around the World

Travelling around the world.
We made salt dough pictures of flags and interesting places.

Lily helps Jenna to fill in all the missing parts in the picture.

 We had to colour, cut and paste to complete the picture.
 It took a very long time!

The end result! Hard work pays off!!

We coloured and cut out the South African flag too.

Yy is for .......Yellow Yo-yo Man.
Hannah remembered to put ten yo-yos in his yo-yo sack. She is very proud 

of herself!

 Yy is  also for ....... Yorkshire terrier.

Friends having fun in the playground. We remember we 

must share and take turns.

We  know that it is good to help each other and work together when we pack up at the end of the day.
Some of the Grade 00's help Hayden.

 Massimo and Josh like to play together.

Jenna hangs on the monkeybars.

Theme:                                   Bugs & Creepy Crawlies
Literacy:                                 Bb for Bouncy Ben
                                            Ll Lucy Lamp Light
Numeracy:                             Vocabulary - Time e.g.
·         Bedtime
·         Yesterday, today & tomorrow
·         Days of week
·         Months of year
·         Birthdays
                                                Recognition of numerals 1 – 15
Counting backwards 15 – 0
Please make sure that your child has the following items at school every day:
·         Change of warm clothes
·         Spare pair of dry socks
·         Plastic packet for wet/dirty clothes
Events to diarise:
Friday, 18 May:                     Movie night
Friday, 25 May:                     Plaster Day – info to follow           

Baker Baker:

Luke Limbert
Lyn Louw
Hannah MacFarlane
Josh Messina
Caroline Morris
Thomas Parsons
Alyssa Pretorius

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