Monday, July 23, 2012

Welcome back to school for the third term!

Welcome back to the Third Term of Grade R
Michael brought some sugar cane to school. He gave us all some to taste.

Welcome to Coach Simone who will be taking us for 

Kinetics while coach Lauren is on maternity leave.

Massimo and Aidan 'baking cookies' to share with a friend. 

Megan practises to write her name.

Term 3 (Week 1, 2 and 3)  17July – 3 August

Theme:                                   Statues, Sculptures & Symbols
Literacy:                                 Ww for Walter Walrus                                           
                                                Vv for Vicky Violet
                                                Kk for Kicking King

Numeracy:                             Counting
                                                Recognition of numerals
                                                Ordering numbers
Keep up to date and check out our class blog

Please return report, art shirt and art envelope to school asap.
Please make sure that your child has an extra pair of dry socks at school.

Please collect and send to school:  
-       Egg boxes
-       Boxes for construction
-       Polystyrene  trays
-       Cereal boxes
Events to diarise:
Wednesday, 25 July:                      Eye Tests (Colin van Wyk)
Thursday, 26 July:                           Outing to Dylan Lewis Studio, Stellenbosch     
Thursday, 9 August:                        National Womans Day
Friday,  10 August:                         School holiday

 Baker Baker:

20 July
Emma van Schalkwyk
27 July
Paige Weston
2 August
Arabella Wilson
10 August
Harriet Wraith
17 August
Aidan Beattie

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