Founders Day Celebrations
Pre-primary celebrate our school's
15th birthday in style!
Fun on the jumping castle!
A magician came to our school.
He gave us a wonderful show and he made each one of us a balloon.
Emma chose a poodle .
Our theme is "I care!"
We learn about people in our community. We pretend to be firemen.
Paige and Hannah receive the emergency calls.
Boys to the rescue!
Massimo completes a story telling sheet about a fire.
Erin makes ladders for the fireman to climb.
Morgan's mom is a doctor. She came to visit us. She brought her medical equipment and told us all about being a doctor.
We also discussed nurses.
We learnt about Florence Nightingale.
We drew pictures of 'The lady of the lamp".
We made a restaurant in our classroom.
We had a lot of fun in our restaurant, shop and internet cafe!
Table activities keep us very busy at school.
These are pictures of what we would like to eat at a restaurant.
Michael would serve pizza if he had a restaurant.
He grates the cheese over his play dough pizza
We play 'school-school' too. It is fun writing our names on the carpet.
We looked at the bar codes on the products in our 'shop'.
We wrote the bar codes on the carpet.
Luke made a play dough picture about his news.
He made a sentence. "I saw Elliot, the man made out of coco cola crates at the Waterfront,"
We drew pictures about Little Red Ridinghood.
We labelled our pictures.
Hooked on Books entertained us in our new school hall.
We drew our teachers.
Caleb drew our headmaster, Mr De Waal.
Guess who these teachers are!
Busy at school...........................Mia copies a picture onto the elastic board. Well done Mia!
Term 3 (Week 10 and 11) 17 August – 27
Literacy: Alphabet letters and sounds
Numeracy: Recognition of numerals - 35
Skills: Learn personal
particulars – telephone numbers & address
& birthdays
up to date and check out our class blog
Please remember to
send a sunhat to school every day.
Events to diarise:
19 September: Proudly South
African Dress-up day –
(see Communicator)
24 September: Heritage
Day (Public holiday)
27 September: Last day of
term for Pre-primary children
Baker Baker:
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